Full Stack Development Training in Chennai & Pondicherry
Full Stack Development Training in Chennai & Pondicherry
Intro to Full-stack
The term “full stack web developer” is used by some[who?] to describe a developer who is capable of working on both the front end and the back end of a website. They can, therefore, lead platform development projects involving databases, user-facing websites, and consulting with clients in the planning phase. An application developer who develops client-server applications on the World Wide Web is called a web developer. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are common client applications, while PHP, ASP.NET (C#), Python, Node.js, Go, or Java are common server applications, and HTTP is used to communicate with the server. Front-end developers (front-end developers) may specialize in client-side applications, back-end developers may specialize in server-side applications or both. Full-Stack Classes in Chennai.
They provide both front-end and back-end service and can work on databases and user-facing websites. A full-stack developer is someone who works with both front-end and back-end development.
Full Stack Course Content
Front End
- Creating the first web page
- Line breaks, spacing, and comments
- Ordered and Unordered lists
- Creating a table
- Creating a weblink
- Creating links within the same web page
- Adding an image to a web page
- Resizing and sizing images
- Nested elements
- One-line text box
- Add a label to the text box
- Multi-line text box
- Radio buttons
- Checkbox
- Number input box
- Dropdown list
- Date and number box
- Field box and Legend elements
- Attributes
- The meta element
- Escape characters
- Bold and italic elements
- iframe element
- sup and sub-elements
- Title and alt attributes
- Audio element
- Audio element attributes
- Video element
- Doctype
- Structure elements
- Drawing with canvas
- Draw a rectangle
- Introduction
- Syntax changes
- Changing font type, color, and size
- Multiple selectors and writing rules more than one element
- Add a line to the header and border property
- Inheritance and overriding
- Using Classes in
- More on Classes in
- Font Family
- The Font Weight Property
- Using an external style sheet
- Text decoration property
- Italic fonts
- Web Colors
- Using inline-style
- More on Font sizes
- Line height property
- Box Model Part
- Background image property
- The ID Attribute
- The text-align property
- Border Property Part
- The DIV element
- The SPAN element
- Add the content page and reuse some of our classes
- Special effects
- Block and Inline elements
- Floating an element
- The absolute position of an element
- Fixed position an element
- The overflow property
- The cursor property
- Custom cursor
- Text and images
- Relative positioning
- Vertical menu
- Vertical menu Part
- Horizontal men
- The inline-block
- Opacity property Part
- text-shadow
- box-shadow
React JS
- Introduction
- Es6
- Classes
- Arrow Functions
- Variables
- Array Methods
- Destructing
- Spread Operator
- Modules
- Ternary Operator
- React Render HTML
- React JSX
- React Components
- React Class
- React Props
- React Events
- React Conditionals
- React Lists
- React Forms
- React Router
- React Memo
- React CSS Styling
- React Sass Styling
- React Hooks
- use State
- use effect
- use context
- use Ref
- useReducer
- use callback
- useMemo
- Custom Hooks
Back End
- Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming
- Java Evolution
- Overview of Java Language
- Constants, Variables, and Data Types
- Operators and Expressions
- Decision Making and Branching
- Looping Statements
- Classes, Objects, and Methods
- Arrays, Strings, and Vectors
- Interface: Multiple Inheritance
- Multithreaded Programming
- Managing Errors and Exceptions
- Managing Input/output Files In Java
- Introduction to Python
- Python Tokens
- Data Types
- Operators
- Flow Control Statements
- Functions
- Introduction to OOPs
- Inheritance
- File Handling
- Exception Handling
- MultiThreading
- Introduction
- Variables
- Form
- Operators
- Conditional Statement
- Looping Statement
- Function
- Array
- File Handling
- Regular Expression
- Login & Registration with MySQL
- . Net framework Introduction
- Overview of C# Language
- Constants, Variables, and Data Types
- Operators and Expressions
- Decision Making and Branching
- Looping Statements
- Classes, Objects, and Methods
- Arrays and Strings
- Interface-Multiple Inheritance
- Multithreaded Programming
- Managing Errors and Exceptions
- OOPs
- Introduction
- Syntax
- Operations
- Search Operations
- Joins & Types
- Comments on DB
- DB operations
- Set Conditions
- Keys
- Set operations
- Stored procedures
- MongoDB Intro
- MongoDB Create Database
- MongoDB Create Collection
- MongoDB Insert
- MongoDB Find
- MongoDB Query
- MongoDB Sort
- MongoDB Delete
- MongoDB Drop Collection
- MongoDB Update
- MongoDB Limit
- PostgreSQL Intro
- PostgreSQL Database
- PostgreSQL Table
- PostgreSQL Schema
- PostgreSQL Queries
- PostgreSQL Clause
- PostgreSQL Conditions
- PostgreSQL Views
- PostgreSQL Join
- PostgreSQL Trigger
- PostgreSQL Indexes
- PostgreSQL Constraints
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Full-Stack FQA
What does full-stack mean?
As a full-stack developer, you work across both the front end and the back end of your web application.
What are the skills for full-stack?
Git and GitHub.
BackEnd Development Languages.
Web Architecture.
Database Management Systems.
Fundamentals of Designs.
Is full-stack a good career?
If you are looking for a career in software development, full-stack development is an excellent option.
What is the salary of a full-stack developer in India?
Based on the responses from 86,000 Full Stack Developers, the salary estimates range from 2.4 Lakhs to 17.0 Lakhs, with an average annual salary of 6.5 Lakhs.
Do you need a degree to be a full-stack developer?
Having a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or Computer Programming can be a wise move, but it isn’t necessary.
What languages are included in full-stack?
As of right now, Node.Js, Python, C#, ASP.NET, and PHP are the most popular languages for full-stack developers.
Does full-stack development have a future?
In the coming years, the demand for full-stack developers will increase by 20% during the pandemic, just as in every other IT sector job.
About Us
Best Methodology Learning with Full-Stack. Continuance Access for Student’s Portal, Study Materials, Videos & Top MNC Interview Questions. Guidance for Exam Preparation, Subject Materials, and Pre & Post Course Support. Learn from 8+ years of experienced Full-Stack Professionals. Prepare for an interview with hands-on concepts. Low fee structures with a well-designed course curriculum. . Hi-tech institution offers real-time project Full-Stack Classes in Chennai.
50+ HRS
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60+ HRS
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