Java and python are the two most powerful and trending languages. And it’s very confusing to picking one out of the two. Nowadays it’s became a very common question asked by beginners is which one is better whether java or python.

Do you know why Java is better than Python?

Java is considered a mainstream language. Java is hard for beginners. Java has been around longer. Java has more commercial tools and bigger code libraries. That dramatically speeds up development and eliminates a lot of reinventing the wheel. Python is easier to learn. Python is easier to read, especially someone else’s code. Python is better for small applications, not running a server on. If you are interested in programming and need to learn easier manner means go with python. If you planning to be a computer science /engineer means you would go with Java first. We could recommend Java first to become a computer engineer.

  • Salary
  • Speed
  • Legacy
  • Code
  • Databases
  • Practical Agility
  • Trends
  • Syntax


You should learn Java to be able to get good-paying corporate jobs. Java code and libraries are better documented than what’s available for Python. Learning Java teaches you skills that get you a lot of high-paying jobs, from website development to enterprise applications to server-side apps. You think that makes Java better. More companies vote with their dollars to say it is. Java programmers are more likely to be doing it for a large-scale company or paid development contracts, not putting together neat little apps for their own usage. If you are seeing the experienced engineers Java dominates over time because java has been in use way before python became popular of experienced Engineers find it convenient to stick to their comfort zone. In simple if you need money you can go with Java.


In java, there is more experimentation than production code. Java is a compiled language and statically typed, and Python is a dynamically typed and interpreted language. This single difference makes Java faster at runtime and its very easy to debug. In java, the runtime is much much faster when compared to python. So, definitely, SPEED must be fast in java. Runtime is faster in java when compare to python.

3. Legacy

Java history in the Enterprise and the world was coding style are typically larger and more numerous in java Python has less legacy problem which makes very difficult to copy-paste by the organizations.


Both languages are very simple and easy to learn and write but if we look at the length of the code python consumes fewer lines or shorter in codes as compare to java which is also easy to understand.


This is very important Java is one of the most popular and widely used to connect. Java we connect it by JDBC this is very much popular for the connectivity purpose. But whereas pythons database access layers are weaker than JDBC that why it rarely used in enterprises.

6. Practical Agility

Java provides more undeviating refactoring supports than python because of its static type system and universality of IDE for the development of mobile and web applications but python has become a popular choice for all the recent technologies like data science, machine learning, and AI.


US and INDIA In the past five years, the US has got up with the drastic change in the domination of both languages. India also got growth in these two languages and other languages are a slight decrease in the graph.


This is one of the most important aspects this makes java and python different from each other this might helps to finally decide the winner out. Java has compiled languages and the source code is compiled down to byte code by the java compiler and the byte code is executed by the Java Virtual Machine. Java is an object-oriented programming language. Java is statically typed programming languages that do type checking at compile time as opposed to run time. A number of lines in a code even though we need to define a class and the main function which makes three lines code already where is we can just use the print function for the statement. So it will be concluded that which is always “OLD IS GOLD”. Our java is an old language and our Golden language also.

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